No one knows better about dreams coming true then Kimball Foord, the man riding across Canada, HORSEBACK! Kimball says he wants to cross our great nation the way they did 150 years ago and what better way to see it then at 6kph!
Kimball started from Guelph, Ontario, on May 6, 2006 and is heading west to finish in Vancouver, British Columbia, estimated to be sometime in the fall. His trusty ole riding partner, Cody, is a 7 year old American quarter horse. And a handsome fellow with a lot of character I might add!
On his way to Winterwood in Englehart, he met up with Dennis Peddie of Cougar Ridge Farms in Thornloe and he joined Kimball for a ways on his ride! I bet that was fun Dennis!

On June 14, 2006, Kimball made a pitstop at the very barn I board my horse,
www.winterwood.info. Kimball and Cody will be resting their weary legs in the comfort of Winterwood with a great meal and some great company.
After my visit with Kimball and Cody, I am just green with envy! To be able to just say "ok Cody (his horse), that's it..let's ride across Canada and do it!

During my drive back home I kept thinking how I wished I could do something like that, but I just kept envisioning my horse ending up in a full 360 and into the ditch at the first transport going by at 100km! haha ..Not to mention all the things that get in the way to prevent me from just getting up and riding across Canada, like life..Kimball, you are a lucky individual..not only do you get to see most of Canada, and meet some great people, you get to do it by horseback!!
Ride with the wind...