Monday, July 28, 2008

Crooked Stirrups

Yep, I know, sounds like something defective, well it's the farthest thing from!

Go peek at a pair of your old stirrups. Does the place where you stand, the tread, have a lot more wear toward the outside than it does closer to the horse? Do your little toes go numb, your back ache, your legs hurt and your knees get "wore out" when you ride, especially for an extended length of time? Well I know I felt all of the above, but that's changed since I invested in a set of these crooked Stirrups.

The first minute I mounted and placed my feet in the stirrups, I was like WOW!!! I felt an instant difference in my seat, and how my legs were positioned. These stirrups have not only reduced much pain they've improved my riding and improved my horse!

They are available in different sizes and really don't look so bad on the saddle either.

Mosey on over to Josh Lyons websites to get more information. Even the Lyon's family rides with these!

Ride with the wind @

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


One thing about trail riding in the summer, is the weather can change in a heartbeat!

I headed out on a trail ride with a young girl on her pony riding along side us. We rode for about an hour and I could feel the air change. It was cool, like the feel or rain on it's way. We could hear distant thunder, but that's generally not so much of a threat.

However, we decided it's best to ride back and be closer to the barn incase. Once we started up the driveway of the barn, the lightening started filling the sky, so we decided that was it.

As I was driving back to town (1o mins from cochrane), I came upon a view I'd never seen in my life! I didn't have my camera, but I had my cell, so I was able to capture this amazing site!

Once I got to town, you could literally see night and day over the lake. Then within seconds, the storm hit and hit hard! I was inside in a local store and it sounded like there were a gazillion stones being pelted against the building and outside. It was hail, bigger then I ever saw. Big enough to hurt and big enough to cause damage. There were even broken windshields and dented vehicles!

The winds were picking up and the lightening was nonestop. Filling the sky, lighting up the huge hail as it filled the deep puddles that had started forming from the hard rain mixed in the hail.

I took a quick run out to my van and got home as fast as I could. This storm lasted a good few hours and took the hydro out with it. It's neat how creative one can be when their hydro is out.

Anyways, I am thankful I wasnt' out on the trail when this hit. I don't think there's a horse out there that could of or would of handled the size of that hail!
To the right, you can see in front of my boot, a piece of hail that fell at my feet at the door of the store..that is HUGE hail!

Ride safe and ride with the wind @