Oct 16th, and Ontario has already experienced school cancellations, road closures and traffic accidents all due to Mr Winter himself.
Living in the North has it's advantages and they do far outweigh the winter disadvantages, but yet, each year when winter crawls upon us, I still wish I could hibernate!
Thankfully, there has still be some great riding weather! Our colors of fall are gone with barely any leaves left make the bush lines look so much more bigger to our mounts causing them to think there are big bad tree branches that are going to eat them up as we ride the bush line.
Chelsea Buns, my QH mare is quiet spookish this time of year with the high winds, strange fall smells, cool air and the fact she can see right in the bush now., but we still hit the trails. There won't be many more days when we can go past the end of the driveway once the snow falls, so I like to take full advantage of our freedom right now.
We've also been practicing the barrel pattern as much as possible. A friend donated some barrels to me and the lady who boards my horse gave me a place out in the pasture to set them up.
We've also been working on a lot of different small things I want to improve on for next years shows.
Although the shows have just ended, I am already excited for next years shows!
Equine North has been getting the hits. At the moment, we are having a photo contest so fly with the wind on over to www.equinenorth.net and get your funny and beautiful horse photos entered!