I know, your thinking "what does this have to do with horses?" Well plenty really. Read on.
Facebook has been around for a bit now, but it's only recently that it's become a household name pretty much. If you aren't on facebook, it's kinda like saying "no, I don't have a phone".
Facebook has become the worlds addiction x 10. I refused at the start of this new phase to join something of the such. Like I have time for something else. However, after upteen million requests to join people's facebook, I gave in, and I'm glad I did. Why you say? For many many reasons.
First and utmost important reason: I've found friends I have lots touch with for years and years! Just today, I found my teenage friend that I hung out with throughout public school years. Just before that, I found a childhood friend I hung with in my original home town when I was like eight! Friends from the past town I lived in and people I met on other internet related places and lost touch with.
It also seems to keep people in touch more, remember birthdays and blah blah blah. Mind you, like all new addictions, I'm sure it will fade away. But in the meantime, if you haven't joined, try it. It's free (no I'm not making any side money on this..haha) and it's also fun!
Now for those of you asking why I mention this on a horse blog, well there are a gazillion horse groups you can join and there's a lot of familiar horse folks from the area on there.
So when you join, look me up "Anna Sawicki". Check my groups to find the horse groups (there's still plenty more, I'm only in a few) and check my friends to see if there's any you know and don't forget to add me to your friends list too!
Just a reminder: The next TPHC Western performance show is June 22. Points from the last show have been posted at http://www.tphcon.com/ (their site only works in IE..no, wasn't' created by myself)
So ride with the wind @ http://www.equinenorth.net/