Monday, June 02, 2008

Josh Lyons Clinic

I am just pumped! I still can't believe my horse and I will have the privilege of being in the same ring as Josh and most likely Jana Lyons (that's his wife). June 6th to June 11th. We will be there for the 3 day symposium and the 3 day rider clinic!

Josh and his Father, John are my equine hero's. They just have a way with horses that achieves all you could imagine without the use of the old "cowboy way". Give the horse a job, what better advice to give to a rider and their horse.

I've always dreamed of being able to partake in a Lyons clinic but never thought I'd have the opportunity. When I heard he was coming just hours away from where I live, I was ecstatic! I mean tears in my eyes ecstatic! It was a hefty price to pay but people spend that on holidays to warm countries each year, so that's my holiday and I can't think of anything else I'd rather be doing!

Chelsea Buns and I are pretty pale in comparison to a lot of the riders enrolled into this clinic, but we still mean to absorb all we can from this clinic.

I plan to keep a journal of each day and TONS of photos, so be sure to watch for your story when we return.

This event is open to viewers all 6 days. If you want to get your ticket to watch and or to find out where it's held (Centre d'EntraƮnement Pro-Chevalin) visit: Hope to see you there! Be sure to say hi if you see us.
Ride with the wind @

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