About 40 km later, Chelsea Buns and I have accomplished another great ride to Kirkland Lake from Rosegrove Stables in Otto Township.
It was a fantastic ride with great weather. I tell ya, what a perfect way to gain the trust of your horse, or lose it I guess.
I can nearly say that Chelsea Buns is bomb proof. Would she be with a different rider, honestly, I don't know.
There were several things that did frighten her and if she had her way, would of turned full tilt back home. However, with very little convincing, she went through every obstacle asked. Just amazing.
Our rides never go without stories of people stopping to touch chelsea, feed her treats and ask a gazillion questions. I love the questions and love to answer them to the best of my knowledge.
S ome of the cutest things can be heard from some of the small visitors such as "look, she has teeth" or "how many apples in a year does she eat".
I have to say my most favorite part of the ride is the smiles. Smiles from 1- 100. It doesn't matter what age you are, everyone loves a horse and especially to see one come through town. There really is something magical about what horses do for people.
I am very proud of how far I have come with my 21 year old Quarter Horse Mare Chelsea Buns. We have overcome some pretty tough obstacles over the years. Imagine, at one time, this mare wouldn't even leave the driveway and if she did, it took you hours to get 2 ft.
S o the first TPHC show is about to begin this weekend. If the weather doesn't rear it's usual head as it's calling it should be a great weekend.
So you all ride with the wind
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Happy new year! for Horse fans
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