Monday, June 26, 2006

It's the stuff dreams are made of..

There really is nothing like the outdoors on horseback in Northern Ontario bush during the summer...Today, Nancy Hack and myself (Anna Sawicki) and our two horses, CC and Chelsea Buns went on a 4 hour trail ride in the back boonies. We rode up and across the larder lake highway and down the highway a bit up to a sand pit that had a small pond. We took off our saddles and headed to the water. Well my horse didn't go in, but Nancy rode her horse in and cooled off!

After a small break and cooling off, we saddled up and headed on the trails and back towards home. The ride was nearly over when suddenly, CC pulls her head up high! She sees something and sure enough, there's a bear standing on it's hind feet checking us out in the tall grass!! Well, I age about 12 years in one nano-second! Then wonder what we should do as the bear was close enough to charge if she had cubs with her.

CC took over instantly! A real trooper, she decided I'll save mom (Nancy) and use Anna and Chelsea as bear bait. CC pushes us onto the road closer to the bear while she safely tucks herself her behind onto the side of the road, furthest from the bear!

In the meantime that CC is trying to feed me to the bear, Nancy starts talking real loud and I join in quickly and we put our horses at a trot. That seemed to work and we weren't bear bait we continued our ride back home.

I rode back to Nancy's before heading back home for a drink of water as I was out and the heat was just crazy today! Then we headed back to the barn at a slow walk while Chelsea decided to eat every few steps. All I could think about on the way back to the barn is.."this is what dreams are made out of" should try it.
Ride with the wind


Anonymous said...

you told me to comment here you go

Anonymous said...

It was great ride Anna. It was nice to have someone come along with a camera too. It's hard to take a picture of yourself in that water. hahahahaha. We'll have to do it again. Maybe next time we'll be bear bate.
We would have saved you!

EquineNorth said...

haha..right Nancy, CC wouldn't even have looked back even if my leg was in the mouth of the bear ;)

Anonymous said...

Awwww, Im so jealous of you two!!LOL
Wow a bear!! I would have freaked out..hahaha! I think my screams woulda been enough to scare anything away though! LOL
Love the water pics :)*sigh* someday....
Thanks for sharing!